Wednesday, June 15, 2016


God has an assignment for each one of His children. 
 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it” (1 Corinthians 12:27). He has a vast Kingdom plan and each of us is like a link in the chain of His purpose.

What a wonderful privilege we have to fulfill our assignment during our brief pilgrimage on earth! We'll see the entire panorama when we reach Heaven and find out the significance of the part He assigned to us. Another blogger ( has expressed it well, and I quote below from Shana Schutte:

God has given many of us assignments we wouldn’t have chosen ourselves. Maybe you have been assigned to singleness longer than you would like, assigned to marriage but you wish you were single, assigned to work with people who don’t appreciate you, assigned to a job where you won’t be promoted, assigned to live in a neighborhood with unfriendly neighbors, assigned to a city you dislike, assigned to be a stay at home mom though you wish you were a working mother, assigned to be a working mother but wish you were a stay-at-home mom, or maybe you have been assigned to childlessness.
Perhaps you see your assignment as small. You see it as insignificant. You may even feel like you have been cheated. You may compare yourself to others. You see what they are doing and you think, God gave them a more important assignment.
To overcome disappointment and even experience joy, you must look at your God-given assignment through God’s lens—the lens of eternity. You must look past the here and now and consider how your assignment will ripple into heaven, even if you can’t see its impact now. When you have an eternal perspective about your temporary earthly assignment, what seems meaningless and futile, frustrating and worthless can become something sacred. 
Could it be that your assignment is more purposeful, more sacred, and more holy than you could possibly imagine? Could it be that the eternal destinies of generations of people could be changed because you are faithful to your assignment, no matter how small? Could it be that God has placed you in your assignment at this time for a reason you do not comprehend? Could it be that you will not see the impact of this assignment you view as insignificant until you enter your heavenly home?

Don’t count your assignment as unimportant or measure its value through a temporal lens, for you will not be seeing clearly. Look at it through God’s eyes, who doesn’t waste the impact of one of His children. All of His children have important assignments—all of them. There is not one that doesn’t matter.“

Throughout our lives God's assignment for us may shift and adjust with the circumstances of life. I'm not responsible for the whole chain, only for my link. Lord, help me humbly understand its significance and with Your help as my Master Teacher fulfill my assignment in Your classroom successfully.

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