Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Whose fault is that?

When I was a baby, my mother put food in my mouth. When I was a child she put food on my plate. She was in charge of what I ate, how balanced it was, and how large or small the portions. As I grew, I became in charge of what was on my plate. My choices were dictated by my tastes; my selection of foods and their quantity was often flawed. That has remained the case throughout the many seasons of my life.

As an adult I'm expected to exercise good judgment in my choices and the quantity I should consume—neither starve myself, nor go on strange fad diets nor overindulge.

Applying the simile to what I am doing on a daily basis or to describe my lifestyle, I catch myself frequently lamenting, “I just have too much on my plate!” Overload is my particular problem, rather than not having enough to do or to complain that I am bored. In this late-in-life season, I am still tempted to take on too much, to fail to pace myself, to resist the reality that I have growing limitations. 

There are other questions I should be asking myself. Who “put on my plate” what I'm attempting to do? Is it my decision? Is someone else forcing me to do more than I should be doing? Are other people or circumstances loading my plate with things I am not supposed to be “eating”? I get into trouble when I let other people put too much on me, demand too much of me. Also when I inadvisedly take on too much. Could it be from pride to try to prove that I can still do everything I did before?

Or do I believe God is in charge and still has a plan for my life even at my advanced age? Am I still eagerly cooperating with Him as He continues to move me toward the destiny He has had for my life from the beginning of time? He doesn't expect me to retire from His calling on my life.

God does expect me to exercise good judgment in my choices since He and I have a track record of walking together throughout a lifetime of His guidance. He has held my hand from infancy until advanced years through my trial-and-error stumbling as I have been learning obedience. I know I can count on “His goodness and mercy to follow me all the days of my life.” He will lead me to balance what is on my plate.

God never overloads my plate—or leaves it empty. He provides me with “my daily bread” and allows me to exercise my free will under His generosity to put on it peanut butter and jam or make it into a BLT sandwich. He offers me a menu and guides me to make the best selections for my spiritual health and to fulfill His plan for my life.


Life is not a fast food order
I can have prepared my way:
put on the mayo and tomato
add the cheese, hold the onions
lettuce and ketchup are okay.

Life is not a giant leather menu
offered by the maitre d'
prime cuts, lobster, or Cornish hen
to titillate my gourmet palate
at immense expense to me.

Nor is life a hospital check list
brought by a punctual nurse
with my breakfast tray
allowing me selection
within dietary restriction
for the next repetitious day.

Life is
whatever shall be
provided by the Lord
Who knows what's best for me.

God works all things together
through my free will choices
yet monitored by Him
in His sovereignty.

I don't feel manipulated
exploited or dominated
or maneuvered like a puppet.
I'm perfectly satisfied
well-nourished too
by what He's selected for me
from His predestined menu
by His Divine decree!
Ephesians 2:10; Romans 8:28

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