Tuesday, May 3, 2011


It is quite hip to talk about green these days—politically correct, in fact.

As if to echo that, suddenly it seems that my whole world has turned green! The gray, dull, and drab of winter has given way to spring almost overnight.

When I look out the picture window from my kitchen table over the woods and vales of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia where I live, abundant, flourishing greenery stretches as far as my eyes can see. After God's pyrotechnic-like display for several stormy, windy, cloudburst nights—accompanied by under-the-blanket-hiding thunder boomers, new bursts of green everywhere make it look as if I’m living in an Amazon rain forest.

I meditated on God's marvelous creation to give me eyesight and all the rest of my senses so that I can enjoy it; That was God’s idea so that I can feel the fresh green, breathe it in, smell it, feel it, hear the wind rustle through the green leaves, even taste it (in salads!). Why do I take my senses for granted? Thank You, Lord, that I am not colorblind so I can appreciate the generous, artistic splashes of color in this world which You created for the pleasure of man and then sent him to cultivate it. I praise You together with Your lavishly beautiful creation which, when You, as the Master Artist, selected Your paints for your Earth canvas, started with a background color of GREEN.


Leona Choy

It must be one of His favorite creation colors
not only for splendor and beauty but
as a manifestation of life and growth
"essential to production of carbohydrates
by photosynthesis."

God thought up that marvelous process
without which we could not live!

Look at the generous way
God splashes green around so lavishly:
laying a verdant carpet for me to walk on
providing it for animals and man to eat
decorating trees with green in spring
displaying multi-hues of green foliage
keeping evergreens alive
to contrast with blankets of white winter snow
embracing plants and flowers with green leafy arms
providing lettuce and spinach for my salad.
What a sense of humor God must have
to grow green veggies in whimsical shapes
like asparagus, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts
swish green into seaweed in the ocean
and float watercress in quiet, fresh streams!

"The righteous will flourish and grow
into old age full of sap and very GREEN"*
That means me!
Clothed in the righteousness of Christ
not in my own achievements
I should not be like withered leaf and brown
but full of inner vitality
flowing from His abiding in me and I in Him
flourishing like a green palm tree
bearing fruit in all seasons of my life.*
Since God is so partial to GREEN
then GREEN I aspire to be
full of Divine chlorophyll
to please Him obediently!

*Psalm 92:12-15

Copyright 2011 Leona Choy

From her unpublished work,

LATTER RAIN: Wordsmithing late-in-the-season

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