Monday, November 1, 2010


I should sensitively follow God’s leading who or what to pray for. Sometimes He interrupts my customary prayer agenda and has me pray for someone or something else. Perhaps someone or something I haven’t even thought about.

I shouldn’t box in the Holy Spirit but let Him rise up within me and “pray aright.” He may lead me here and there in my praying. It is so exciting! Some call it “butterfly praying.” Jesus said that the Holy Spirit is our Helper in prayer, “to bring things to our remembrance.” I should let Him help me by directing my praying precisely to His ordained target, causing my prayers to alight, like a butterfly, upon some specific person or need because “[the Spirit] knows the mind of the Father” (Rom. 8:26-28).

The Lord wants to use me as a channel of prayer, to literally pray through me. The Holy Spirit knows precisely what God wants to happen and wants me to be obediently attentive to listen and respond to His leading. His creative ways are endless. The key is my obedience in prayer. It isn’t that I have to be such a super-spiritual person in order to hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit, or that it requires some mystical experience or vision. I’m qualified simply because I’m a believer, one of His chosen ones, through whom He wants to administer His will and His blessings to others.

The Holy Spirit wants to “hover over” (Greek: rachaph) move upon, brood over, birth something in someone, to release His power somewhere upon someone or some situation. And I have the privilege of cooperating with Him! Isn’t that awesome? What a wonderful reason to keep coming to the Lord in prayer to be His instrument!

I should retain my attentiveness to the Holy Spirit’s promptings throughout my day, not only during my quiet time. As I keep my mind and heart and thoughts centered upon the Lord, at any time He can impress me to pray for someone or something “out of the blue” [literally!]. I should be bold to step out in prayer to respond and obey His inner voice. I may never know the outcome of my prayer, but that’s OK. I’ve been obedient. With practice and experience I will become more and more sensitive to God’s voice. Jesus said, “My sheep know My voice and they follow Me” (John 10:4)


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