Friday, April 25, 2014


I have to "wake up my ears" every morning.

I've reached the season of life when I am somewhat audio challenged. I wear hearing aids now. As soon as my feet hit the floor, I hurry to put those tiny, hardly visible devices into my ears so I can communicate with the real world again and hear more clearly what is said.

The Bible has something to say about this subject in Isaiah 50:4 and 5 in the Amplified version. (No pun intended!) There is gold in these verses. I'm aware that they were initially written in a Messianic context, but there are transferable concepts to apply to our Christian lives.
"The Lord God has given me the tongue of disciples and of those who are taught, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary; He wakens me morning by morning, He wakens my ear to hear as disciples—as those who are taught. The Lord God has opened my ear, and I have not been rebellious or turned backward."

In real time, by habit I can stay up to all hours of the night, but I'm definitely not a morning person. I have a sleepy ear that loves to snuggle deep into my pillow as I pull the covers over my head. The lyrics of an old hymn become garbled in my mind:

"My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine,
(But I'm just so tired that here I recline.)
My gracious Redeemer, my Savior art Thou,
(Oh, I'll talk to Thee later, I'm sleepy just now!)

I have no excuse for sloth (the old fashioned word for "laziness.") The verses above spell out the reason why God "wakes my ear." Because I'm His disciple I'm supposed to have "the tongue of a disciple." I'm supposed to live and witness "as one who is taught."  So I must be awake, aware, and alert to hear God's voice first myself  before I can "speak a word in season to him who is weary." Besides my tongue to speak, I must have obedient fingers on the computer keyboard to carry out a "Barnabas ministry" to many who look to me for encouragement. I can't afford to "turn backward" by rolling over and pushing the snooze button.

I speak to myself--I must have a fresh word from God before I can help others. God doesn't shout. He speaks with a "still small voice," a whisper in my ear and in my heart as He wakens me each morning to give me my directions for the day. If I oversleep, I might miss His whisper. As His sheep I am supposed to be able to "hear His voice and follow Him." All the more since I am His disciple and one who is taught.

If I am audio challenged spiritually, I know what to do: the Holy Spirit who dwells within me is available to be my invisible but powerful Hearing Aid. 

Lord, let the words typed with my fingers
and sent swiftly through cyberspace
through the technology designed by men
come first and solely
from the holy meditations of my heart
from my awakened ear
and the mind of Christ who dwells within me
overshadowed by the Holy Spirit's direction.
Guide them according to Your purpose and will
for the building up of the recipients
not for the aggrandizement of myself
but to the greater glory of God alone:
ad majorem Dei gloriam.
Grant that the words I compose for publication
likewise be for the edification of Your people
and the exaltation of the Holy Trinity:
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


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