Monday, March 31, 2014


We don't usually think of Jesus laughing. Wasn't He called a "Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief" in the prophetic Scriptures? 

Yes, He willingly and obediently followed His Father's plan to suffer and die on the cross at the young, vigorous age of thirty. In the prime of His life Jesus bore our sins in such an excruciating way to open heaven for us. 

 But the Scripture also says that He endured that suffering "for the JOY that was set before Him." 

Think about it--wouldn't you be surprised if He didn’t habitually laugh and enjoy food, companionship, jovial Jewish festivals, and a happy home life growing up? Wouldn’t you imagine that Mary and Joseph’s normal Jewish household was not a morose place but rather that there would have been plenty of merriment? 

Don’t you suppose He went over to His Grandma Anne's house for sleepovers, perhaps engaging in boyish horseplay with His boyhood buddies as they stretched out on His grandparents’ flat rooftop under the stars (that He created!)? Don’t you imagine Grandma Anne probably spoiled Him by keeping her "cookie jar" stocked with sweet dates or figs and other delicacies? 

Could you visualize Him as anything other than a normal, happy Jewish boy? The Jewish calendar had so many prolonged feast days for families to celebrate. Wouldn't Jesus have had fun along the way on their regular pilgrimages to Jerusalem with donkey caravans and camping out and roadside picnics all the while singing the joyful songs of Zion? 

Can’t you just picture Jesus participating in the festive Jewish group dances, and romping around the neighborhood with his apparently numerous cousins? Think of Him as an eager teenager anticipating fun with His relatives and neighbors and classmates from the rabbinical school. After all, Jesus grew up in a typical Jewish cultural environment that must have had its lighthearted moments.

As Jesus grew to manhood, dealing with the village customers in Joseph & Son Building and Carpentry Shop” probably had its humorous incidences too.

During His years of ministry, do you think that He would have been invited to weddings and dinners and banquets as frequently as Scripture records if He had been a dead pan, wet blanket, miserable guest?

Even some of Jesus' parables seem to be tongue-in-cheek, deliberate exaggerations to make a point. The listening crowd lounging on the Judean hillsides must have laughed with Him at His obvious embellishments in a story He was telling. 

Can't you just imagine Jesus joining someone whom He had just healed in a head thrown back joyful laugh of praise to God? 

Think about the little kids who were attracted to Him, whom He welcomed in His embrace and lifted up to sit on His lap—and think about the moms who not only didn't snatch them away in fear but intentionally brought them to Jesus for His blessing. Would they have trusted their children to a sour-faced, frowning grouch?

In His itinerant ministry in adult years His favorite stopover when near Bethany was the home of Mary, Martha, and His good buddy Lazarus. That’s where He could kick off His sandals, anticipate Martha’s savory cooking, and relax. Of course He would engage in serious heavenly conversation but probably also in plenty of family small talk as He recounted tales of His preaching tours and some of the bumblings of His disciples who so often "just didn't get it." Likewise His leisure stopovers at Peter’s home in Galilee where He was warmly welcomed to enjoy the warm hospitality of Peter's family.

Well...draw your own conclusions...but with a smile. Just believe Jesus when He told us the reason He came into the world was "so that MY JOY may be in you, and YOUR JOY may be full" (John 15:11).

Saturday, March 29, 2014


"Hands off my clay pot, people! Just leave me alone! I want to become holy all by myself."

That's how I feel when people interrupt my schedule, take up my time, frustrate me, irritate me, rub me the wrong way, and otherwise ruffle my feathers.

If it just weren't for people in my life, I would be so happy in my private comfort zone.

"What? Lord, did You say You are the One who sends PEOPLE into my life to MAKE me holy? That sounds far-fetched to me. You say that I'd just stay a diamond in the rough were it not for the abrasiveness of human relationships to make me into a precious gem to shine for You?  Please explain that to me, Lord....

 (A Personified Selection from Leona Choy's unpublished-yet book, GOTHIC ARCHIE AND OTHER IMMAGINEERINGS: Fables of God's Kingdom for Grown-Ups.)

The Interpersonal Relationship of Clods

We clods lay ignored in a huddled heap in our wooden crate on the back porch for so long that we lost track of time. 

The Man found us scattered in gullies and crevices on the mountain and brought us to this Unknown Place. At least Out There we could breathe. Here we were smashed one clump against another, quite homogenized globs of dirt, undistinguishable from each other.

“What do you plan to do with those muddy clods?” a curious voice asked.

“I’m going to turn each one into the likes of these,” The Man answered. We shoved at each other trying to see through the slats of the crate. 

The Man displayed to his friend a splendid collection of highly polished stones that sparkled like diamonds.

Our hopes soared! We fairly trembled with anticipation to think that each of us would quickly be lifted out of our anonymity and transformed one by one through some instant miracle into costly gems.

“Come along and I’ll show you how it’s done,” invited The Man.

He dragged our crate out of the shadows. But instead of picking us out one by one for a magical transformation, as we expected, He dumped all of us misshapen, mud-caked clods into a huge steel drum. 

Oh! How it hurt to be treated so ignominiously! The jagged edges of each clod hit and scraped against each other! Scarcely had we rolled over trying to get more comfortable, than steaming streams of hot water began to squirt over us. The Man shook an abrasive powder all over us, dribbled oil on the whole mess, then slammed the door and locked it. We were terrified in the utter darkness.

The Man flipped a motor switch and the steel drum began to rotate unmercifully fast. Scraping, grinding, banging, crashing, clod against clod we tumbled! How could we endure such deafening noise and pain and our forced contact with one another. Continual spinning, friction, jabbing, crushing, knocking. How long? How long?

“It takes time,” remarked The Man as He walked away with his friend while our pummeling went on and on...and on.

Much, much later He returned and flipped the switch off. The drum came to a squeaking halt. We were unceremoniously dumped out into a trough outdoors, nearly blinded by the sunlight. The Man turned a powerful spurt of hot water on us from a hose. Dirt poured away in a murky stream.Would our ordeal never end?

“Beautiful! Marvelous! Exquisite!” exclaimed The Man’s friend.

Breathless and dazed, we lay there stunned until we realized that he was talking about us. We looked at each other and gasped with disbelief. Each was different from the other—sparkling, brilliant and clean! We had been transformed from earthy clods to gems!

The Man lifted one of us in His palm. “Look,” He spoke with delight. “I can see My reflection on the surface of this one!”

He explained to His friend, “I can't polish one clod by itself to this perfection.  It takes the friction of many clods against each other, together with Oil, abrasive, time, and lots of hot water to get this marvelous result.”


1 John 3:2
“Beloved, now are we children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we shall be. We know that, when He appears, 
we shall be like Him, 
because we shall see Him just as He is.”


It was the right place and the right time but the disciple Thomas wasn't there. The other disciples were celebrating the exhilarating presence of the risen Jesus who suddenly appeared at their gathering. Thomas was the only one missing. We aren't told why he was absent. Perhaps he was isolating himself, hiding somewhere in despair and doubt. His hopes had run dry. As a follower of Christ, he was disillusioned by the tragic outcome of the crucifixion and death of Jesus. Why show up at all?

At times we may feel as if we too aren't there when God is revealing Himself to others. Most of us go through spiritual dry spells when we feel little emotion, sense a distance from God, trudge along without visions or thrilling brushes of angel wings which other people seem to experience. In our spiritual lives we sometimes feel the monotony of arid sameness and nothing but sand dunes stretching as far as the eye can see. Our devotion to God tends to slack off and our appetite for the sacraments and worship and the company of God's people is dulled. To maintain our faith and witness wearies us and begins to feel like a heavy burden.

Are such dry times in our spiritual lives abnormal? Should we expect to be constantly and effervescently reveling in consolations and emotional highs? Could it be that God is actually allowing us to go through arid times in order to draw us closer? That seems like a paradox. But there are such times as “dark nights of the soul.”

When I see the Lord beckoning to me from the Dry-Land of the Desert, I confess that I don't run toward that experience with great delight. I really don't want to follow. I shake my head and decline His invitation. I much prefer to lie down in green pastures and have spiritual picnics beside the cool, still waters. I want to keep my soul revved up with His constant nearness and feelings of pleasure. I want oasis living all the time! I favor the burning-heart emotion of leaning close to Jesus' breast.

But He persists to draw me, extending His nail-scarred hand toward me. “You are missing something precious. I have deep things to teach you while we walk together in the Dry-Land as well as on the mountain top. Both an ebb and flow in life are in My plan for you.”

How should I respond when I go through such dry times, when I feel like I'm “not there” while others are experiencing the exhilaration of the nearness of God. A fourteenth century writer, Blessed Angela of Foligno, offered sound spiritual counsel.

“...Do not pray less or keep vigils less often, or do any other good works any less when divine grace is withdrawn from you than when it is in your possession. It is a good thing and very acceptable to God if you [keep faithfully doing these things] even when the fervor of divine grace seems absent...[Be just as faithful] when that grace or warmth seems to be lacking or has been withdrawn from you—either because of some deficit in you or, which is most often, to amplify and increase God's grace in you.
[Continue to] act without grace [consolations] just as you do when you have grace. Even if you suffer tribulations or temptations, which serve to chastise and purify every son whom the Father receives, and grace is taken from you, be persistent in [devotion and good works.]”

Bottom line: God wants me to be just as faithful and steadfast when the emotional well of my spiritual life seems dry as in the times when my heart burns within me on life's way. In the fulness of time the apostle Thomas "was there" and received His personalized, hands-on, unique consolation compelling him to make his celebrated, joyful declaration of faith, “My Lord and my God!” And Thomas “was there” when the Holy Spirit came upon all who were assembled at Pentecost! 


In God's appointed time, we too will experience the dynamic flow of power and love after the ebb, if we are willing to walk in desert times with Him when He calls us there. We just need to be sure that “we are there” in the right place at the right time and meanwhile, faithfully keep on-keeping on until Jesus shows up for us.


Lord, I know I should be willing
to walk in The Dry-Land
if it's with You—
but I'm not eager.

Actually, I'm disinclined and reluctant
because I sweat when it's hot
it's not comfortable in the desert
my tender feet burn and split
my throat is parched
I swallow sand and grit
hot wind bites my fevered face.

But I know You are trusting me
to carry Your Living Water
the only cup of refreshing
that can quench the thirst
of other travelers
who also must journey through
the Dry-Land

Please give me Your grace
not to draw back
but to keep my eyes on Your face
and not be slack
in my commitment
in my devotion to You.

If I myself do not experience
the blazing heat
an aching heart
pressure beyond measure
temptations and trial
nor find You sufficient
for every mile
of my own Dry-Land
I would not care to share
Your Water with another.

Accept my weak willingness
to walk in arid deserts
as well as verdant valleys
that I might become
Your watered garden
Your spring of refreshing
to meet the needs of those
whose stumbling, blistered feet
You bid me wash (as You did)
while all of Your children
journey together with You
through life's Dry-Land

Isaiah 58:11
"And the Lord will...satisfy your desire in scorched
places...and you will be like a watered garden and
like a spring of water whose waters do not fail."

Thursday, March 27, 2014

"In the beginning..." before GOOGLE

BARNEY GOOGLE is an American comic strip that since 1919 gained a huge international readership, appearing in 900 newspapers in 21 countries. For almost 80 years whenever anyone heard the word “Google,” the comic strip character came to mind. Several terms and phrases were added to the English language inspired by Barney's huge, googly “bug eyes.” when we hear the word GOOGLE, we think of the Informational Internet Giant GOOGLE that came on the scene only 16 years ago. It has since become the world's largest and most popular search engine, almost omnipresent and omniscient. It seems that we can ask GOOGLE anything and get an answer!

GOOGLE'S huge virtual “bug eyes” scan the world's knowledge of past history and current happenings, both significant and trivial information. All knowledge is now at the fingertips of young and old from the computer keyboard, smart phone, or countless mobile devices. GOOGLE “sees” and shares everything through its video files. Its large “ears” listen for the latest news, communication tools, services to offer, and products to purchase. Through GOOGLE EARTH you can virtually walk down any street, byway, or jungle path in the world without leaving your computer chair. There seems to be no limit to its power searches.

We used to achieve our knowledge in school buildings with teachers, and retrieving it from libraries and museums, and through salesmen coming to our doors offering bargain sets of the World Book of Knowledge. The Encyclopedia Britannica was the most comprehensive source and had to be tediously updated to keep up with the times. Information and knowledge became more instantly and widely accessible through the inventions of radio and then television, then through the electronics and digital explosion. 

Now in the palm of my hand I hold a slim smart phone that I can—just to begin with—speak commands to, that will record my speech, let me read books, check and send my email, text, take photos and videos, Skype my image “live” to people anywhere in the world, view the night sky and constellations in real time, and above all, connect to GOOGLE and all the world's information—all wireless!

So what am I missing here?
Since we have GOOGLE now, why do we need GOD?

We are immersed in an information explosion. However, information without wisdom is like a deflated hot air balloon. It goes nowhere. Knowledge by itself simply puffs up. To live an abundant, successful, satisfying life, a life pleasing to God, knowledge is not enough. GOOGLE can't give me wisdom to make use of the knowledge. Wisdom can only come from God. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him” (James 1:5).

When God asked King Solomon what one thing he wanted, he asked for wisdom—not riches, honor, long life, fame, or victory over his enemies—God gave him wisdom above all the kings of the earth and all the other things came along with the package. In Psalm 90:12 Moses prayed, “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” In Psalm 51:6 David prayed, “Behold, you desire truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part you shall make me to know wisdom.” “Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding” (Proverbs 3:13).

In the gospel of Matthew it is recorded that the people were astonished at Jesus and said, "Where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works?” Colossians 2:3 declares about Jesus, “in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” The Apostle Paul prayed in the letter to the Ephesians for the Christians of his day and ours, “that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him.”

Wisdom is a gift of the Holy Spirit. It is seasoned with understanding and anchored to the knowledge of God. I'm thankful that I can freely ask GOOGLE for the world's knowledge, and I will continue to enthusiastically make use of its search engine. However, Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all your getting, get understanding” (Proverbs 4:7)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014



We can't say that God didn't inform us. "For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the Lord, and He watches all his paths." (Proverbs 5:21) "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps” (Proverbs 16:9). God's ways are higher than man's. Father knows best. Our path may be rough at times, but it is not because God wants to see us suffer or see how much we can endure—His plan is chosen for each of us in love with a bright end in view. 
God has punched our particular journey and the glorious destination into our Life-GPS. Let's not worry about the rugged terrain, the crooked ways, and rough places. We have His assurance that in the end the path will straighten and become smooth because "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).

The Lord is primarily interested in our response to the blisters and callouses our hiking boots are causing us. And in our response to the hot desert sand of our circumstances, the sudden thunderstorms of reversals, the winds of broken relationships that may befall our life-house, and the floods of afflictions that may threaten to overwhelm us.

Such things are “common to man,” a part of our lives on Planet Earth. “Think it not strange,” Scripture says, when we encounter such things while following what we believe is God's plan for our lives.

Of course, sometimes we bring the problems on ourselves. We may suffer the consequences of our wrong decisions, bad habits, or sins. Sometimes we suffer because of standing for righteousness. In the latter case, we are told to “count it all joy” instead of complaining. “All that will live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” “Blessed are you,” declares the Lord, “when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake” (Matthew 5:11).

Sometimes God plans our rough, variable terrain for endurance training, to exercise our faith and discipline us toward our transformation into the image of Christ. Like the triathlon, a multiple-stage sport competition involving the completion of three continuous and sequential endurance disciplines, swimming, cycling, and running. In the same way, we may feel that one thing after another assaults us in rapid succession. 

Will hardships and troubles never cease, we wonder? Will the mountains and valleys, the highs and the lows, never cease? Will I ever be able to coast along on the level and not have to pump so hard? How long do I have to endure my life triathlon?

Dr. Andrew Murray, a missionary statesman and prolific writer of a past century gave wise and biblical counsel. “In time of trouble say, First—God brought me here. It is by His will I am in this strait place. In that I will rest. Next—He will keep me in His love and give me grace in this trial to behave as His child. Then—He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me the lessons He intends me to learn, and working in me the grace He means to bestow. Last—In His good time He can bring me out again—how and when He knows. Therefore say: I am here—1) By God's appointment, 2) In His keeping, 3) Under His training, 4) For His time.”

There is a Finish Line and when we reach it, we will declare that it was worth it all!

CARPE DIEM--Seize the day

 A sundial inscribed Carpe diem reminds us of the brevity of life and the elusiveness of time.

The term Carpe diem is an aphorism usually translated "seize the day." It is originally taken from a poem written in the Odes in 23 B.C. by the Latin poet Horace.

Carpe is the second-person singular present active imperative of carpō, "pick or pluck," used by Ovid to mean "enjoy, seize, use, make use of." Diem is the accusative case of the noun "dies," which means "day." A more literal translation of Carpe diem would thus be "enjoy the day" or "pluck the day [as it is ripe]"—i.e. to enjoy the moment. However, in its modern-day usage, the "diem" usually gets abstracted as "opportunity," as in "make use of the window of opportunity today."

First, a little historical background. In Horace, the phrase is part of the longer Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero, which can be translated as "Seize the day, put very little trust in tomorrow (the future)." The ode says that the future is unforeseen and that one should not leave to chance future happenings, but rather one should do all one can today to make one's future better. 

The Carpe diem phrase is often misinterpreted and misused in contemporary popular culture to justify reckless behavior: "you only live once." However, the original meaning of Carpe diem is not to ignore the future. It is rather that you shouldn't believe that everything is going to fall into place for you automatically, but you should take action for the future today.

A related Hebrew expression to Carpe diem is the phrase ?ואם לא עכשיו ,אימתי rendered "And if not now, then when?" In other words, do and say what you want to now because you may not have another chance.

  A similar Latin expression attributed to Virgil encourages youth to enjoy life before it is too late. "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may," that is, "make much of the time you have."

What does Jesus say about Carpe diem and living in the present?   He gives us detailed, practical  instructions in Matthew 6: 25-34. He puts our day into perspective: We are not to be anxious either about daily necessities or even our very lives since our heavenly Father knows we need all these provisions and He will care for us as He provides for His natural created world.

That doesn't mean that we should squander our day by "gathering rosebuds" or passively spend our time "smelling the roses." It is not a license to "eat, drink, and be merry" because life is short and today is all we have. On the contrary, we should actively "seek first God's kingdom and His righteousness." We should seize the day for Kingdom business and make much of the brief time we have on Planet Earth. We are to make use of our "now," and live in the present moment and invest it for the Lord, all the while enjoying it, "plucking its ripeness" as an investment in tomorrow.


Jesus gives us His divine summary on Carpe diem: Seize the day today and don't be anxious for tomorrow "for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Since tomorrow is in God's hands alone, we are to trust Him with it. 


God is in my now.
This moment is His
and His this day
to seize for Him.

I turn from yesterday.
I can't expect
to live in retrospect
looking over my shoulder
to see either ghosts
or pleasant memories.

God will be in my future
when I arrive there.
I can't live it in advance
nor leave it to chance
but trust His plan.

God is in my now.
My “burning bush”
is my present state
where God speaks to me
in the present tense
declaring “I AM.”

So all of daily life
is holy ground
each duty crowned
as a royal moment
by the presence of The King.

I am to seize the day
and celebrate my now
to find my joy in Him

  ("Gather ye rosebuds" painting by John William Waterhouse.)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Yes, I know it's snowing again today. March is making its exit like a lion. It's premature to put away scarves and gloves and snow shovel. Turn the heat up please. Nevertheless, THE CALENDAR SAYS IT'S SPRING!

I'm putting away the bird feeder and notifying my feathered friends that I've reached the bottom of the bird seed bag and woodpeckers have consumed the last of my case of suet. From now on they can fend for themselves because THE CALENDAR SAYS IT'S SPRING!
Let's jump start the fav season and dust off the garden tools. Grab the seed catalog and dream.  Notify your senses....THE CALENDAR SAYS IT'S SPRING!

(I've used my poetic license and personified SPRING and NATURE)


Spring startled me today
as I shook out the dust mop.
He took me by surprise
for I didn't realize
he was around yet.

He slipped behind me
ruffled my hair with the wind
kissed my cheek with the sun
and then laughed
to see me blush.

His warm breath caressed my neck
teasing me, making me restless
as I swept winter from the porch.
I tried to get him off my mind
by staying inside at humdrum tasks.

Spring rustled the curtains to get my attention
and flirted with me
through the open window.
I can’t resist him!

I must run away with him
right away today, so I race
with trowel and seeds in hand
to our garden rendezvous
our "special place"
eager once more
for the touch of the rich mulch
and sweet earthy scent
of Virginia country soil.

Despite the lingering chill
of the retreating March wind
in ecstasy I kneel
in the moist flower bed
breathing hard, delighted to feel
basic nature and the hope of life
incipient in the seed
that is about to experience

So I yield to my impulse…
I cast off my winter inhibition
and yield to the thrill
of Spring's embrace!


On muted winter mornings
the sallow sun snuggles lazily
beneath the comfy coverlet of night
reluctant to leave his bed of stars
and down-filled comforter of clouds.

In winter I too sleep late
deep under my cozy patchwork counterpane
unaware of hazy late morning light
oblivious to my alarm clock
snoozing silently with me
in its “long doze” mode.

But now in spring
the sun flings off his blanket
and rises swiftly
from his restless sleep
with blazing brilliance bouncing up
the rosy steps of day
scaling the Blue Ridge mountains
in a matter of minutes
framed in my eastern window.

How do I know?
Because the sun teases me
by turning on dawn's light
long before six
and sounding a reveille
of chirping birds
compelling me to wake and witness
his daily solar spectacle
and not be late to appreciate
another splendid Virginia dawn.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Thomas Merton in Thoughts in Solitude put it this way:

My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think I am following Your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please You does in fact please You. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this, You will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore I will trust You always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for You are ever with me, and You will never leave me to face my perils alone.”

Adam and Eve didn't know where they were going when they were banished from the Garden of Eden. Neither did Noah when the rain stopped and he and his family stepped off the ark. Nor did Abraham when God called him to leave the familiar and set off in an unknown direction. Fast forward to the magi who trekked across desert and wilderness to follow a star to parts unknown. And Joseph escaping a mad tyrant's wrath fled by night to an unfamiliar country with Mary and the child Jesus. The fishermen and the tax collector left everything for the unknown when Jesus invited simply, “Follow Me.”

At any season of our lives we remain uncertain of the destination of the myriad roads ahead. In our youth full of dreams we could never imagine where the road of life will lead. In mature mid-life the signposts still point in many uncharted directions. In our vintage years we try to peer through the growing darkness to see what is beyond this mortal life. Our lives are spent trying to peer through the fog to see where the road ahead will take us.

For the forever-child of God it is always a matter of faith without sight. No map, no compass, no GPS. Nevertheless, it is not a blind trust, but a certainty in the Person of Christ and His plan for good for our lives as He unfolds it. We must set our cruise control in the direction of The Somewhere which God has destined for each of us. There could be no safer road than to be “Abandoned to Divine Providence.” I have expressed it this way:


How can I follow The Road
without knowing where it leads?

It narrows at the crest of the hill
and I can't see beyond
to The Other Side.
It seems to lead Somewhere
unfamiliar to me.

The ruts look deep
as if Someone has dragged
a heavy wooden object
slowly up The Road.

Since I must travel The Road
I'd feel much better
if I could follow someone.

Now I dimly see
Someone ahead of me
standing at the crest of the hill
arms outstretched.
He can see The Other Side
from His vantage point.

He beckons,
“Follow Me!”

Now I can follow The Road
without a fear!
I don't need to know
where it leads
as long as He knows.
He has gone That Way
and has already seen
The Somewhere
and that's enough for me!