Monday, October 8, 2012

An out-of-season THANKSGIVING

"In EVERYTHING give thanks..."
TODAY the early mist and fog hangs low over the wooded scene outside the picture window of my Shenandoah Valley, Virginia home that I call “Eagle Summit.” The morning sky stretches gray and sunless. Rain clouds hold back as if awaiting the weather forecaster's final “best guess.” Birds chirp in muted tones. Autumn chill is in the air.

I feel pensive yet filled with inner joy. According to the calendar, “Thanksgiving Day” is being celebrated in Canada today. But I'm quietly celebrating my own “Thanksgiving Day,” today October 8, as a loving gift from God—because I'm a cancer survivor.

A third of my lung was removed. The surgeon spelled out the odds of my surviving the next five years—very low odds for lung cancer. “Unless God still has plans for your life,” he observed. 

Obviously, that has been the case since that surgery took place on October 8, 1990. The Lord's goodness and mercy has been following me for another twenty-two years—and counting.

I'd appreciate your prayers that I may continue to be unconditionally available and obedient “to follow the Lord fully” in stewardship of His gifts to me like Caleb did in his late 80s as recorded in the Old Testament Scriptures.


Leona Choy

When the mists have rolled away
and I no longer see through a glass darkly
in the supernal Beatific vision of God
and the full glorious Light of the Son
I will see with 20/20 eyes in Eternity
what was obscure to me in mortal life
but obvious in the courts of Heaven:

Myriads of angels hovering protectively
clouds of heavenly witnesses cheering me on
departed friends and family interceding for me
my Guardian Angel 24/7 alert at my side
whispering wisdom to the ears of my heart
the Holy Spirit infusing grace and strength
God's hand overshadowing my paths
unfolding each moment and year after year
His plan to finish what He started
at my conception when He created
my body and soul 
—and He continues the process
because I must be
a still “Unfinished Symphony!”

1 comment:

jan nichols said...

Living the Treasures in the Land of More is truly one of the best books written for converts and/or those who have been away from the Catholic Faith for many years. In fact, I highly recommend it for all Catholics because this book is incredibly thorough, covering topics in an informed way but from the viewpoint of one who has been challenged or who continually challenges herself to know Truth; to know God as intimately as possible. Leona, thank you for being the instrument you are to bring others to the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ through the Catholic Church!