Wednesday, April 4, 2012



So publicly You were displayed to die

before the stony eyes of finite men!

not on a private hill away from sight

but stripped and ripped before a raucous mob

taunted, mocked, bereft of modesty.

strident cries and jeers with laughter mixed

the passing rabble gazed indifferently

at the spectacle of gross debauchery

man perpetrating on his fellow man.

So publicly You were displayed to die

when dying should be private to a man!

Few saw beyond the sweat and stench of death

that it was God's own Son paraded there.

A common scene enough to daily view

along a busy, trafficked public road

a hundred malefactors hanging bare.

So publicly You were displayed to die

before uncaring eyes of mortal men!

No background music softly fading out

or cinema lights and make-up on that stage

only the curse of soldiers and the shout

of hirelings paid to false accuse and rail.

So publicly You were displayed to die

O Christ! Not for Yourself but for mankind

to generations stretching to my time.

God so loved the world and thus He gave

His Son to public disrespect and scorn.

For that the only Son of God was born!

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