Throw them out? Store them? Use them
broken? Mend them? Decisions about broken things become more
difficult as years go by.
A quick inspection of our closets,
basement, and garage, reveals an accumulation of broken things. If we
have what we used to call an attic, it would be cluttered too. Some
people, are obsessed with keeping such stuff in the event that they
might use it someday. On the other hand, I tend to be a
thrower-outer. Some things have sentimental value like family photos
and scrapbooks of our children's or grandchildren’s refrigerator
art. We'll probably keep those. But let's face it—most other things
are space-wasters.
The older we become, the more broken
things of the spirit and emotions we accumulate. Such intangibles
hurt even more than a broken arm. Our past breaks up. People move and
places change. Landmarks disappear. Our roots are severed—our
parents are gone along with our childhood memories. When our children
grow up and leave home, we feel that distance and time have broken
off our branches.
Our roles in life change with the
cycling years. Our self-worth and influence feel fractured. Can we
afford to cry over such breaks? Is it worthwhile to waste today's
priceless limited time gazing in the rear view mirror of yesterday?
Why should we apply Band-Aids or splints to broken things in our past
when God has brand new adventures available to us?
Broken things are space-wasters of the
spirit that clutter our heart-garages and mental-attics. The Holy
Spirit is the Great Motivator, the Eternal Prompter; He draws us,
pushes us, and impels us to keep moving on to new things instead of
hugging broken things. "Behold, the former things have come to
pass, now I declare new things; before they spring forth, I proclaim
them to you" (Isaiah 42:9). Jesus promised, “Behold, I make
all things new!” (Revelation 21:5)
Sometimes the Lord deliberately severs
our roots to pull us out of the hardened soil of the familiar that
prevents us from stretching and growing to the full potential God
planned for us. As chronologically maturing Christians, let's not
allow memories, good or bad, to become ponderous anchors for our life
ships to hold us back from sailing over the wide ocean of what God
has prepared for us. The only reason to pay attention to our past is
to recount God's blessings.
When we leave a broken relationship
behind, precious though it may have been—or painful—just over the
horizon may be a surprising new relationship. A broken job or broken
health may motivate us to unfold wings we've never tried before.
Broken things are part of
God's intensive care for us. He intends them for our good.
God's marching order regarding broken
things is, "One thing I do: forgetting what lies behind
and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal
for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus"
(Philippians 3:13,14).
Lord, broken things
I have broken roots:
I have broken roots:
Places of my early years
have changed;
they don't look the same
and I'm a stranger there.
No one remembers my name.
I can't fit in anywhere.
Friends of my youth are
displaced, or Moved On;
ties of the past
are broken by time
erased by circumstance.
I have broken branches:
Young ones are out the
to live no more under my
no longer needing me.
Starting another family
They grow their own
which seem to me
even more fragile than
I feel broken:
There was a time
when I was somebody
known in the gates,
called upon, leaned upon.
Now I feel fractured,
shattered, useless.
I don't rhyme with anyone
I'm out of rhythm with the
with the new world out
that doesn't care
who I was or am.
Lord, You too were broken:
Your heart and body were
broken for me like bread
that You multiplied
when many were fed.
You feel the same
that touches me.
Help me to learn Your
Whatever You allow
to be broken now
makes room for the new
to spring into view.
You uproot the familiar
to reveal broader
You shift a relationship
to stretch my reach.
You change my role in life
to prompt fresh bonding.
Because You love me
You sever that which
me to the common,
the habitual, and
Thank You, Lord.
I accept Your way
for with the broken things
You give my spirit wings!